Monday, June 13, 2011

What's Unethical

You demonstrate your work ethics every day, whether it's taking only 15 minutes for your 15-minute break, giving credit for information you take from an Internet site, or not joining in with gossip.

Unethical work behavior can have harsh consequences, such as the loss of your job in extreme cases and not being considered for a promotion because of unethical behaviors you exhibit on the job.

In his book It's Called Work for a Reason, Larry Winget provides a list of unethical behaviors to avoid if you want to rise to the top. Place a check by any of these that might tempt you to be unethical in a full-time job.

____ Calling in sick when you aren't

____ Taking company office supplies

____ Lying on your resumé

____ Getting a haircut between customer calls

____ Fudging on an expense report

____ Saying a product will do something it won't

____ Being late for an appointment

____ Making personal phone calls or texting at work

____ Using the company copier for personal copies

____ Over promising and under delivering

____ Using the company postage machine for personal mail

____ Criticizing a competitor

____ Participating in office gossip

____ Taking a too long lunch hour

____ Not returning phone calls

____ Not checking your voice mail as often as is needed

You know in your heart whether something is right or wrong. Listen to your heart when taking an action that might be unethical.

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