Monday, April 18, 2011

Show Your Boss You Are Productive

Every boss expects you to be productive. But time wasters eat away at the hours you put into your work. Several productivity traps keep you from being efficient. Do you fall into any of these traps?

• You have a hard time saying no and agree to do more than is possible.
• You waste time because you are disorganized.
• You procrastinate and find reasons to delay getting started on a task.
• You're a perfectionist. You spend so much time attempting to make your work perfect that you don't get much done.
• You let interruptions and distractions send you off-course.

Increase your productivity with these steps:

1. At the end of the day, decide the most important things you need to do tomorrow.
2. Prioritize each of these, using 1 for the most important thing you need to do, 2 for the next most important and so on.
3. Write the top-priority item as the first thing on a To Do list. When you accomplish this item, cross it off, so you will have a feeling of accomplishment.
4. Add to your list everything else you want to accomplish the next day.
5. Write down how much time you think each task will take.
6. Adjust your list if there is not enough time to do every task you listed.

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