Monday, October 4, 2010

How to Have Success at Work?

A person can be the one making the most money and yet be miserable at work. On the other hand, the one who makes the least may be the most content. How can you be happy at work?
1. Decide what success means to you. Is it money? A big title? Power? A flexible schedule? Great benefits? A non-stressful work environment? Success is based on what you believe, not on what someone else thinks is success.
2. Keep a positive attitude at work. The person at work who is positive is the one everybody likes to be around. This will make them a success among their co-workers and the boss too. No one likes someone who drags around with a negative attitude.
3. Do your best work every day. Set high standards for yourself, and meet them every time. A get-by attitude actually gets you nowhere. You’ll be the first to go in layoffs.
4. Take pride in your job, so you place value on yourself. It doesn't matter if anyone sees or knows how hard or well you are working.
5. Stay focused. Most people who enjoy success at work are focused. They discipline themselves to stay on task. They aren’t distracted by texting, social networking, gossip, or rumor.
6. Make yourself indispensable. You want to be the “go to” person when a manager needs someone he or she can depend on. You guarantee this by going beyond what is expected.
Adapted from eHow

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