Monday, May 10, 2010

Interviews come from good Resumes!

Setting you apart from the flood of others who apply for a position is the resume’s job. A resumé can’t just be adequate in today’s competitive job market. It must be great!
Your resumé, whatever form it takes, should highlight your plusses and hide or disguise your shortcomings. The resume should be set up to record your skills, strengths, and experience in the most effective manner.

Your resumé should be tailored to fit an employer's specific needs, which means a one-size-fits-all will not work. Sending out a generic resumé and hoping that an employer can read through the lines to know how good you would be in a job won’t get you in the interviewing door.
A targeted, “Just-for-You” resumé focuses on a specific company, environment or industry and shows what a good fit you are for the position advertised.

Objectives are out. Profiles are in. Employers don’t want to hear what you desire in a job. They want to know what you can bring to the company. The best idea for a resume is to provide a Candidate Profile that shows your areas of experience or expertise. Such resumés will be effective in any job market and against the competition.

Candidate Profile
Experience working with children
Excellent skills in organizing groups
Exceptional communicator with all age groups
Recognized leader
Skilled in customer service
Effective at implementing activities
Outstanding work ethic
Creative activity developer for groups

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