Monday, February 22, 2010

Looking Good Helps Win the Job!

In a tight job market, what you wear to an interview could be the difference between getting an offer and getting rejected. "Nine out of 10 employers say, when all else is equal, they select the most attractive candidate, or the candidate that presents themselves the best," according to New York-based image consultant and personal stylist David A. McKnight.

Create Your 'Visual' Resume
Make sure your attire is sending the right message about your capabilities. Being the latest fashion statement is not a good idea. Show up in something conservative. Boring is better than outlandish.

Suit Up
Unless you're told otherwise, wear a suit or pants with a jacket to a first interview, no matter the occupation you’re entering. "A suit is a sign of respect for the company, as well as the person interviewing you," McKnight says. "It's always better to be overdressed than underdressed."

The Rules Apply
Knowing professional dress rules is critical, especially for younger job seekers. A male who doesn't wear socks to an interviewing firm won't be taken seriously, while a female should be careful not to bare too much skin.

Tradition Is Returning
More than one in three people say their workplace has gotten more formal over the past 12 months, according to a recent Yahoo! HotJobs poll. While Dress Down Fridays were popular for a while, more firms are opting for the more dressed-up look.

Put Your Best Foot Forward
Clothes may make the man, but don’t wear the wrong shoes, especially if they're unpolished. "When you look at men's shoes, if they're square toed, chunky, or have rubber soles, that completely destroys the whole appearance," McKnight says.

Taken from a career article by Robert DiGiacomo, Yahoo! HotJobs

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