Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays!!! Have a wonderful and relaxing break!!Happy New Year!
~ The Evergreen Campus College & Career Center :)

Scholarship List

List #5

NOTE: The scholarships listed are intended for SENIORS ONLY; HOWEVER, sometimes a scholarship will be listed for students in other classes – they will be noted as such. Remember that all colleges have specific scholarships, so be sure to check with the financial Aid Office at the college of your choice. If you want information on these scholarships, see Mrs. Fichamba in the Career Center.

1) US Bank Scholarship

Amount: $1000
Deadline: March 31, 2011
More Info:

2) 2011 ACPE Scholarship

• Amount: up to $2500
Deadline: February 28, 2011
More Info: Stop by the College & Career Center to pick up an application!

3) WSECU Scholarship

Amount: up to $2000
Deadline: March 7, 2011
More Info or

4) Burger King Scholars

• Senior
Amount: up to $25000
Deadline: January 10, 2011
More Info:

5) American Society of Civil Engineers Scholarship

• Senior,
Amount: $5000
Deadline: February 15, 2011
More Info:

6) GFWC –Sokico Scholarship

Senior, female, plan to attend college in Washington
Amount: $1500
Deadline: January 31, 2011
More Info: Please stop by the College & Career Center for an application

7) Samy (Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the year) 2011

Senior, student athlete!
Amount: $7500
Deadline: March 4, 2011
More Info:

8) American Indian Endowed Scholarship

Senior, American Indian tribe in Washington
Amount: varies
Deadline: February 1, 2011
More Info:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Congratulations Rotary Students Of The Month

 Posing with Kennedy & Highline Students!
 Corey Grace & Jennifer Truong ~ TEC
Ruth Assefa (HS3 November Student of the Month), Corey & Jennifer ~ TEC

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Service Academy Information Night!

What: Military Service Academy Night
When: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Where: US Coasty Guard Support Center Gym
Pier 36, 1519 Alaskan Way South (West of Safeco field)
Seattle WA

Learn how to qualify for an appointment to the prestigious Service academies and earn a Bachelor of Science degree and a commision as an officeer in the Navy, Coast Guard, Army, Marines & Airforce
(Scholarship Value of over $400,000!)

* All attendeed must show a government-issued photo ID (Drivers License) to enter the Coast Guard Station*

Today is the Big day UW Seattle Deadline!

Congrats to all of you that have applied!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Leadership 1000 Scholarship

Greetings from the College Success Foundation!

The Leadership 1000 Scholarship application timeline has changed and the application is now available! The new deadline is March 1st, 2011.

Students can apply by going to our web site:  where they can complete the on-line application.

The scholarship is generally $5,000 a year for four years. We expect to award approximately 40 scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year.

While we encourage all students to apply, students selected will be those who meet the criteria outlined below, who have demonstrated financial need as determined by a filed FAFSA, (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), whose financial need is not fully met by other scholarships and grants awarded through federal, state and other private programs, and who best meet the additional donor specifications.

To apply for this scholarship, students must be:

• A Washington State resident, (meeting in-state tuition requirements or eligibility for Washington State financial aid programs).

• Planning to attend, or are attending an eligible four-year college or university in Washington State. (A student who is currently attending a community or technical college but will be transferring to an eligible four-year college/university for the fall of 2011 is eligible to apply).

• An enrolled high school senior OR an enrolled college freshman or sophomore at the time of application.

• Going to or have filed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), if eligible to apply. If not eligible to submit a FAFSA, alternative financial information must be submitted to the College Success Foundation.

• From a family whose total yearly income for 2010 does not exceed:

• Family of 1 - $39,000

• Family of 2 - $51,000

• Family of 3 - $62,000

• Family of 4 - $70,000

• Family of 5 - $78,000

• Family of 6 - $86,000

• Family of 7 - $94,000

• Maintaining a minimum 2.75 cumulative high school GPA through the fall quarter/semester at the time of application, if applying as a high school senior

• Maintaining a minimum 2.75 cumulative college GPA through the fall quarter/semester if applying as a college freshmen or sophomore student

• Planning to enroll or actually enrolled full-time as a college student, 12 credits per quarter or equivalent for semester.

• Please note: International students, students on foreign exchange or visas or out of state residents are not eligible

Please contact me at 425-679-5549 if you have any questions.

Find out which four degrees hold the most potential in the next decade.

By Chris Kyle

A lot can change in ten years. One career can explode in popularity while another hot job can go cold.
Your degree, however, lasts forever, which is all the more reason to earn the right one.
Yahoo! Education pored over employment projections through 2020 to determine what graduates with different degrees and educational backgrounds can expect from the job market over the next decade.
#1 - Health Care Degrees

Love it or hate it, health care reform is creating many new, exciting jobs in what is already the fastest growing sector of our economy. Factor in the aging population and demand for health care graduates has never been higher.

Top Degree Picks:

Medical Assistant


Medical Technician

"We're moving not only toward a white-collar economy, but toward a white-coat economy," Derek Thompson wrote in "America 2020: Healthcare Nation", an article in The Atlantic magazine.
With hospitals looking to control costs, most of the white coats will be worn by people who assist doctors and not the doctors themselves. This means many new jobs for nurses, medical assistants, and medical technicians.
As Thompson points out, the White House and U.S. Department of Labor expect health care jobs to grow almost twice as fast as any other industry, with health care boasting three of the top five fastest growing jobs in the country.

Average Salaries:

Medical Assistant: $28,300

Medical Records and Health Information Technicians: $30,610

Registered Nurse: $62,450

#2 - Business Degrees

New technology has forever changed the way people live their lives - and how companies do business. It seems the only constant in the business world is change. Today's business school students will help define the way business gets done in the next decade - and beyond.

Top Degree Picks:


Business Administration

Looking forward, the business sector's biggest gains will be in management, scientific, and technical consulting services...and that may be a big understatement! The Department of Labor forecasts a "staggering" 83 percent rise in employment opportunities in this area.

Average Salaries:

Accountant: $59,430

Management Analyst: $73,570

Financial Manager: $99,330

#3 - Education Degrees
According to the Department of Labor, educational services is the second largest industry in the U.S. In fact, in 2008 there were about 13.5 million jobs in this industry. Population growth will fuel demand for jobs in this field through 2018.

Top Degree Picks:

Curriculum & Instruction

Education Leadership

Special Education

Teaching Certification
Education administrator might sound like an unlikely career to get showcased in a 2010 Kiplinger column about careers for the next decade, but the numbers back it up. After all, a rapidly growing population means more students, and that means more jobs for educators.
A 2010 report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce puts education behind only health care as a field facing the biggest shortage of qualified workers with degrees in 2018.
Average Salaries:

Public School Teacher: $47,100-$51,180

Dean of Students: $88,280

High School Principal: $97,486

#4 - Technology Degrees

Those with technology-related degrees, like network administration, will benefit from their grasp of cutting-edge technologies that will fuel future advances in all sectors of the economy.
From tech hot spots like Silicon Valley and Seattle to regional centers of innovation in Texas, North Carolina, and around the country...companies will be looking for qualified technology professionals to develop new technology products and to service the computers and networks up and running now.
Top Degree Picks:

Information Technology and Systems

Network Administration

Programming and Applications

Technology Support
According to the Georgetown report, computer specialists alone stand to see a gain of 700,000 new jobs over the next eight years.
Meanwhile, employment in computer systems design and related services is expected grow a robust 45 percent through 2018, according to the Department of Labor.
Average Salaries:

Network Administrator: $66,310

Computer Scientist: $97,970

Information Systems Manager: $112,210

All salary data comes from the U.S. Department of Labor and indicates median 2008 wages.

Article found on

Monday, December 6, 2010

When you Make a Mistake

No matter how conscientious you are, you will make mistakes at work. Errors occur in every type of job and at every level of responsibility. If you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t learning.
Professionals acknowledge their mistakes, even though it may be difficult. When you make a small mistake, you can often correct it without involving anyone else. But if the mistake is costly or can damage the organization’s reputation, you have a responsibility to report it to your supervisor immediately.

When you make a mistake that falls into the “costly” category:


• Take responsibility immediately.

• Tell your boss what happened.

• Apologize and explain what you think you can do to fix the mistake.

• Analyze why the mistake occurred and set in place a system to ensure the same type of mistake doesn’t happen again.

• Let it go and move on to other tasks.


• Make excuses or become defensive. You’ll just annoy your boss and co-workers.

• Blame others, even if they played a part. Blaming others won’t solve the problem, and may make it worse.

• Deny your responsibility. Denial prolongs the problem and makes you look bad.

Taken from the Quick Skills book What Your Employer Expects by Career Solutions Publishing for Cengage Learning.

Monday, November 29, 2010

HS3 Senior Retreat!

We are FLI, We are The Furture of the Law

Recently, the following students (Promise Mengesha AAA, Danielle Williams AAA, Mika Rowe HS3, & Jerry Hernandez HS3) had the opportunity to participate in a 2 day law institute @ Seattle U Law school & UW law school.

Congratulations November Students of the Month!

Ruth Assefa & Jaycen Sims ~ HS3

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Scholarship 2010/2011

List #4
NOTE: The scholarships listed are intended for SENIORS ONLY; HOWEVER, sometimes a scholarship will be listed for students in other classes – they will be noted as such. Remember that all colleges have specific scholarships, so be sure to check with the financial Aid Office at the college of your choice. If you want information on these scholarships, see Mrs. Fichamba in the Career Center.

1) Greater Seattle Business Association Scholarship
• Senior,
• Amount: up to $10,000
• Deadline: January 31, 2011
• More Info:

2) American Indian Endowed Scholarship
• Seniors, close social & cultural ties to an American Indian tribe
• Amount: up to $2000 (renewable)
• Deadline: February 1, 2011
• More Info:

3) Nellie Martin Carmen Scholarship
• Seniors,
• Amount: up to $2000
• Deadline: March 1, 2011
• More Info

4) BECU Foundation Scholarship
• Senior, member of BECU, 3.0 GPA or higher
• Amount: $2500
• Deadline: March 31, 2011
• More Info:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Want to find scholarships specific to Washington State? can match you with the scholarships you are eligible for and make getting your hands on some cash even easier.
Are you in 7th or 8th grade? Do you know any 7th or 8th graders?

- You or someone you know may qualify for a college scholarship to any eligible Washington State college for up to 4 years. Find out who’s eligible for the College Bound Scholarship . It could be you!
Need more information about federal and Washington State financial aid?

Visit the Higher Education Coordinating Board
Do you KnowHow2GO?

- Big dreams and good grades aren’t enough to get into college. There are actual steps you need to take. Learn the four steps to planning and preparing for college NOW!
Would you like personal support through the entire college planning and financial aid process?

- The NELA Center for Student Success provides FREE resources http://www.nela,net/ , information and guidance, so you and your family can successfully plan and pay for higher education. You can receive assistance via phone, email, or in person at our Center. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.
Want to get a jump start on the financial aid process
- You can use FAFSA4caster  to learn about the financial aid process and get an early estimate of your eligibility for federal student aid. You can also apply for your PIN (personal identification number) which will act as your on-line signature. Both the student and one parent will need to apply for a PIN

(From: ; accessed on November 16, 2010)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Three Things to Do to Ace a Job Interview

Interviewers are experts at watching and listening to job candidates and deciding which ones to hire. Here is what a few top interviewers had to say when asked what makes a good interview.

• “Attitude is the most important thing. If I don’t see a good attitude, nothing else matters.”
• “Shake my hand and say you’ve been looking forward to meeting me. Show confidence.”
Research My Company
• “Show me that you’ve spent time learning about my company. It separates the strong candidates from others.”
• “Do your homework and let me know why mine is the job you want. I’m not looking for people who will take anything they can get.
• “Show me you can organize your thoughts by giving me a factual, easy-to-understand resume. I don’t have the time or the patience for a lot of fluff.”
• “Translate your background and skills into the job I have available. It’s not my job to find a fit for you in the company.”

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


NOTE: The scholarships listed are intended for SENIORS ONLY; HOWEVER, sometimes a scholarship will be listed for students in other classes – they will be noted as such. Remember that all colleges have specific scholarships, so be sure to check with the financial Aid Office at the college of your choice. If you want information on these scholarships, see Mrs. Fichamba in the Career Center.

1) AXA Achievement Scholarship
• Senior,
• Amount: $15,000
• Deadline: December 15, 2010
• More Info:

2) Burger King Scholars Program
• Seniors, 2.5 GPA, works 15 hours per week, Not necessary to work @ BK
• Amount: Varies
• Deadline: November 11, 2010
• More Info:

3) NCLR (National Council Of La Raza) Best Buy Emerging Latino Leaders Scholarship Program
• Seniors, Hispanic
• Amount: varies
• Deadline: November 19, 2010
• More Info:

4) Holocaust Remembrance Project
• Grade 9-12,
• Amount: $2000-$5000
• Deadline: March 15, 2011
• More Info:
5) Elks National Foundation
• Senior,
• Amount: up to $15,000
• Deadline: December 1, 2011
• More Info:

6) Washington State Governors’ Scholarship for Foster Youth
• Senior, was/is in foster care
• Amount: $2000-$4000
• Deadline: December 10, 2010
• More Info:

7) Evergreen UPREP Scholarship
• Senior,
• Amount: $500
• Deadline: January 4, 2011
• More Info:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cougs are in the House!

Jobs That Are Here to Stay!

Almost every community, big or small, has medical offices, law firms, schools, police officers, a drugstore and other essential services that provide employment. Here are jobs that won’t go away.

Police Officer
From patrolling streets to running security for parades to apprehending criminals, police officers will continue to be needed. The U.S. Department of Labor anticipates employment of police officers to grow 10 percent from 2008 to 2018; and police officers who lose their jobs due to budget cuts usually have very little trouble finding jobs with other agencies, according to the Department of Labor (DOL). To become a police officer, you will need a criminal justice degree. The salary depends on the location. Average salary across the U.S. is $51,410. The highest ten percent earn about $80,000.
Paralegals, who help lawyers prepare for trials and develop legal arguments, are essential to law firms. The Department of Labor expects a 28 percent growth rate for these jobs between 2008 and 2018. They also anticipate the need for more paralegals as intellectual property, health care, elder issues, and environmental law become increasingly important to our communities. To pursue a paralegal career, you will need an associate degree in paralegal studies. The average annual salary for paralegals is around $46,120, though the top ten percent can earn almost $75,000. Working for a large law firm or in a big city usually pays more.
Businesses in every town or city rely on accountants for everything from bookkeeping to helping plan growth strategies. The Department of Labor estimates employment of accountants will grow by 22 percent between 2008 and 2018. If you want to become an accountant, you’ll need a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. You can advance your career by becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Accountants earn an average annual salary of $59,430, with top earners averaging more than $102,380 per year.
Health Care Administrator
Health care administrators help control medical costs, improve health care, work with insurance companies, and oversee the security of patient records. As the population ages, health care administrators will be needed to keep hospitals and medical offices running smoothly. The DOL predicts that employment of medical and health services managers will grow 16 percent from 2008 to 2018. An entry-level position in a smaller facility or department requires a bachelor’s degree in health care administration. Larger facilities usually require a master's degree in health care administration. Health care administrators have an average annual salary of $80,240.
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy technicians help ensure that prescriptions are filled smoothly and efficiently. Health care changes will put a greater demand on local pharmacies, increasing the need for pharmacy technicians. The DOL expects employment of pharmacy technicians to grow 25 percent from 2008 to 2018. That's 96,300 new jobs! A pharmacy associate degree or a certificate is needed. Pharmacy technicians earn $13.32 per hour on average, though the highest 10 percent can earn more than $18.98 per hour. Certified technicians often earn more than non-certified technicians.

adapted from yahoo education

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Life after High School 2010!!! Huge Success:)

Thanks to all our vendors, HHS students & staff, Barb Wilson, Marianna Goheen, & the fabulous College & Career Specialist!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Life After High School
College & Career Fair
November 3, 2010
5:30pm ~ 8:30pm

Highline High School
225 S. 152nd ST
Burien, WA 98146

Good Information + Good Planning = Bright Future
Workshops include: College Knowledge presented by Lull Mengesha, Como ingresar a la universidad y triunr presentado en espanol por Brenda Espinosa y Carrie O'Brien, Financial Aid  by Juan Gallego's of NELA, Personal Statements by Jennifer Schoen of UW
There are many workshops to choose from...plan to divide and conquer with your families and friends and then share the information:)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Helpful information from the common application

Let's talk deadlines for a moment. A November 1 deadline means that you can submit your application through 11:59 PM Eastern time on November 1. So go enjoy your Halloween, knowing that you CAN have your candy and EDUCATION too.

You can follow the common application on Facebook. They offer helpful hints regulary!!

Way to go Lady Wolverines!

CONGRATULATIONS to girl’s volleyball and coach Tate for winning their sub-district match last night against Steilacoom at Franklin Pierce H.S. and earning a spot into districts! Due to unique scheduling circumstances, the girls had to play 5 complete matches in 4 days, and made it through without the services of one of their best players, senior Linda Ba due to a thumb injury. Thanks Coach Tate and volleyball girls for representing our campus throughout the region!



1 Linda Ba libero 5'2" 12 HS3

11 Jenedy Herrera ds/oh 5'1" 11 HS3

21 Jeanine Hughes oh 5'6" 11 HS3

2 Jennifer Truong rs 5'1" 12 TEC

5 Tori Mulitauaopele oh/m 5'8" 9 HS3

7 Maryticka Alefaio oh 5'7" 11 HS3

9 Laina Agemotu s 5'5" 9 TEC

12 Brianna Fiso m 5'10" 12 HS3

17 Tiffany Mowatt 5'5" 10 HS3

22 Stephanie Herrera oh 5'6" 9 AAA

23 Carolena Siliaga s 5'8" 12 HS3

24 Pulemau Savusa m 5'7" 10 HS3

30 Ratelina Siatunuu oh 5'7 12 HS3

28 Angelina Agemotu m/rs 5'10 12 TEC

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

UW Dream Project Admission Weekend!!

The Scholarship Weekend went well and now they have a similar event planned with an admissions theme. It is on Saturday and Sunday, November 13 & 14. It is aimed mainly for seniors and a bus will again be available. If you want to ride the bus you need to complete a brief intake survey for the Dream Project, which they will have available at the next meeting (which is this friday in the Library)! This is an excellent opportunity for you and lunch will be provided. (Always a plus.) Please plan to attend!!!!!

Check out this link.

UW Bothell Visit's Campus!

We had a great visit with UW Bothell!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mark your calendars!!!

Life After High School
College & Career Fair
November 3, 2010
5:30pm ~ 8:30pm

Highline High School
225 S. 152nd ST
Burien, WA 98146

Good Information + Good Planning = Bright Future

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dream Project Host a Scholarship Kick off Day @ UW

This Saturday October 23rd Dream Project is holding Scholarship Weekend Kickoff from 12:30-5:30PM to give students advice about scholarships and help apply to some.  There will be a bus taking students up but also parking is free that day @ UW. Please coontact Hope if you are interested!

Little Dove Hope Warren

University of Washington

 This is open to all students NOT just Dream Project Kids!!! And its FREE!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Evergreen Campus Summer Searchers!

After the Fall Event @ Franklin High School! L to R Jacky Moreno (HS3), Andre Marticio (HS3), Darwin Paet (HS3), Aries Feletogo (TEC), Marisol Rivera (TEC), & Larua Gonzalez (TEC)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lutes were in the house!

Brandon from Pacific Lutheran was on the Evergreen Campus sharing about PLU!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Interested in the Field of Law??

Are interested in the field of law? On October 13th @ 1pm in the College & Career Center there will be a presentation and help applying for the Future of the Law. This is a great program!You will have an opportunity to visit the UW & Seattle U Law School, have lunch with judges, sit in on trials and visit the attorney generals office. In addition upon completion of the program and graduating high school you are eligible for a $500 scholarship. They will accept 10 students from our campus. Please let me know if you are  interested.

Western visits Evergreen Campus!

Salaries for 2010 College Graduates!

College graduates, in general, are earning $850 less to start this year than in 2009; however, some fields are showing an increase in starting salaries, according to a study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

What will you earn in the future as a college graduate? A look at 2010 starting salaries will give you an idea of what to expect.

Communications: Entry-level public relations jobs pay an average of $36,286, and jobs in broadcast journalism pay about $46,000. These salaries are up a great deal from 2009.

Engineering: Graduates concentrating in the environmental field are in demand. Offers to those in agricultural, environmental and oceanic engineering are up from an average of $43,600 in 2009 to $55,187 this year. Across all engineering majors, the average projected starting salary is $54,892, up slightly from 2009.

Business: Graduates in business schools saw a slight decline in salaries in 2010, from $46,973 in 2009 to $46,623 this year. Accounting and finance degrees are the most in demand, and these graduates will receive a small increase.

Liberal Arts: Money often comes later for graduates with a liberal arts degree, according to experts, so people who major in this field must be patient. Their writing, communication, and thinking skills will pay off, but usually not immediately. Graduates in liberal arts and science are the hardest hit salary-wise in 2010, but English majors can expect a pay increase of about 6% percent from last year. In the science field, employers plan to offer higher pay only to physics and agriculture majors. The average reported starting salary for those with humanities, science or social science degrees is $30,159.

Adapted from a Career blog article by Kaitlin Madden.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

UW Tacoma Husky Day!

UW Tacoma is offering 3 Husky days!
  • Saturday October 23rd 10am - 12:30pm
  • Saturday December 4th 1pm - 3:30pm
  • Saturday January 8th 1pm - 3:30pm
Register for UW Tacoma Husky days @

UW Tacoma is in the house!

Melody Our Fabulous Campus Rep Shares all the great things UW Tacoma has to offer!

UW Seattle Visits Campus

Toka our campus rep from UW Seattle Shares what UW has to offer!

Monday, October 4, 2010

How to Have Success at Work?

A person can be the one making the most money and yet be miserable at work. On the other hand, the one who makes the least may be the most content. How can you be happy at work?
1. Decide what success means to you. Is it money? A big title? Power? A flexible schedule? Great benefits? A non-stressful work environment? Success is based on what you believe, not on what someone else thinks is success.
2. Keep a positive attitude at work. The person at work who is positive is the one everybody likes to be around. This will make them a success among their co-workers and the boss too. No one likes someone who drags around with a negative attitude.
3. Do your best work every day. Set high standards for yourself, and meet them every time. A get-by attitude actually gets you nowhere. You’ll be the first to go in layoffs.
4. Take pride in your job, so you place value on yourself. It doesn't matter if anyone sees or knows how hard or well you are working.
5. Stay focused. Most people who enjoy success at work are focused. They discipline themselves to stay on task. They aren’t distracted by texting, social networking, gossip, or rumor.
6. Make yourself indispensable. You want to be the “go to” person when a manager needs someone he or she can depend on. You guarantee this by going beyond what is expected.
Adapted from eHow

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Beccas para Estudiantes Latino/as!

• Hispanic scholarship fund:

• Adelante US Education leadership fund:

• Hispanic Caucus Institute:

• First in my family Scholarship Program:

• Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement:

• Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities:

• Hispanic Internship Program:

• La Unidad Latina Foundation:

• Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund/ National Association of Hispanic Journalists:

• Salvadoran American Leadership and Education Fund:

• State Farm Hispanic Scholarship Fund:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Future of the Law Institute

Are interested in the field of law? On October 13th @ 1pm in the College & Career Center there will be a presentation and help applying for the Future of the Law. This is a great program!You will have an opportunity to visit the UW & Seattle U Law School, have lunch with judges, sit in on trials and visit the attorney generals office. In addition upon completion of the program and graduating high school you are eligible for a $500 scholarship. They will accept 10 students from our campus. Please let me know if you are  interested.

We are FLI we are Future of the Law!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Congratulations Ruth Assefa!!!

Ruth Assefa recieved the Nordstrom Schoalrship $10,000.
Way to Go Ruth!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Seattle Pacific University visits Campus!

Jason Visits from SPU to let our students know what they have to offer!
SPU Urban preview November 7th ~ 8th sign up today @