Monday, December 7, 2009

Turning Dreams into Reality!

“Follow your passion” is advice you’ve probably been given about your future career. How do you turn passion into reality?

Ask yourself three questions that will help you determine whether you’re likely to make dreams a reality:

1. How do the dreams relate to your natural abilities?

Hating to speak in front of people is not a good foundation if you want to become a lawyer. Developing your skill as a paralegal may be a better direction to go.

Expecting to finish your education in two to four years is unrealistic if you aim to be a doctor. Becoming a nurse, laboratory technician, or medical assistant may be a better choice.

2. Do you have the strength of character to overcome doubters and pessimists?

Maybe you would be a great lawyer or doctor, and you’re willing to devote the time needed to develop your skills and abilities. Can you stick to your dream when others try to talk you out of it?

3. Are you realistic about the process?
Outside of Hollywood movies, dreams do not happen overnight. If you can set clear, reasonable, and measureable career goals, and you’re willing to follow through, you can probably live your dream. Most careers take years to build, and they follow a process that moves you ahead one building block at a time.
From Career Headlines

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