Monday, February 23, 2009

Celebrating CTE month ~ Teacher Spotlight

Liz Weets ~ AAA ~ Info Tech & Digital Photography
Most interesting job's:
  1. While working for a company called Clinton Corn Processing (this was a division of Standard Brands) where all types of products were made from good old Iowa Corn, such as Corn Starch, Dextrose, Corn Oil, Fleishmans Gin and of course cattle/hog feed. I was given a shovel and told to go up on the roof of the "feed house" building and shovel maggots (they were living in the rotting feed dust that had accumulated for several years) off the end of the roof down to the waiting dump truck which was parked below the roof I was working on. This job lasted for 8 hours. The stench was so overwhelming that I became violently ill while I was working, causing me to vomit constantly.
  2. At this same factory, I was given and "asbestos" suit to wear with a welders mask and a steam gun to use to steam cokroaches out of the walls in one of the buildings. I then was instructed to shovel up the THOUSANDS of dead roaches and wheelbarrow them out to the dumpsite. I removed three wheelbarrows of roaches and transported them to the dumpsite which by the way, was teaming with hungry rats just waiting for their next meal. Just as an after thought, I would like to mention that my hourly wage was $5.50 at this factory!

Most Enjoyable Job:

  1. I enjoyed training gogs for obedience and agility trials. This is the job I would like to retire doing.
  2. Mrs. Weets would like me to let you know the importance of getting a good education.... or you may end up doing one the first 2 jobs she mentioned:)

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